What is Global Warming?
The earth’s surface gets heated up due to the raise in the number of industries causing pollution and this has lead to rise in the temperature; increase in the average temperature, this causes Global Warming.
What causes Global Warming?
There are numerous reasons for the cause of Global Warming. The two major reasons for the cause of Global Warming are –
1. Electrical Pollution: a) Organisms, such as plants and animals get buried under the soil and broken down by bacteria and climatic changes (summer/winter/rain) over a period of time. These organisms then form fossil fuels over a period of time. Burning of fossil fuel creates electricity. Some of these gases are released in the air, called greenhouse gases. The main example of fossil fuel is petroleum. It is used for electricity and transportation. About 38% of this energy is used by United States.
Some of the daily use electricity products such as turning on the lights, washing or drying cloths, Using of hair dryer, Riding in a car, using an air conditioner, using dish washer and playing video games, etc cause pollution.
Think about how many times during a day do you do some of these and also keeping in mind how many people are doing it on a single day! That sounds to be a lot of pollution going into the air, contributing to greenhouse. Hence it’s advised to consume less amount of energy as much as possible. b) When we throw away garbage, the garbage goes to the landfills. The garbage is sometimes burned; this contributes a large amount of greenhouse gases and making the global warming worse.
2. Cutting down of trees: As we all know tress breathe in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, and use sunlight (UV) rays for growth and photosynthesis. By cutting down trees, it’s harder for us to breathe because there is more proportion of carbon dioxide in the air compared to oxygen. Also, fewer trees are making the earth warmer causing drought/famine and sudden weather changes such as hurricane/ el Niño, etc. This means we have to save from trees being cut out for commercial use. We are causing danger for our lives by cutting down more trees in countries like Amazon.
Some parts of the countries in the globe, which are being affected the most, are:
1. Asia – Bangladesh and India are low-lying land. Raising sea level and increase rainfall is causing a problem.
2. Africa – Increasing drought causing food shortage.
3. Australia – Hotter climates causing bush fires that is occurring more frequently.
4. Pacific and Indonesia – Massive earthquakes and effects of tsunami. Islands of pacific are in the danger; increasing in sea level.
5. Europe – Greece and Portugal are experiencing wildfires during summer heat.
6. Latin America - In Amazon, cutting down of trees causing danger of increase hot weather.
7. North America - Massive storms and rising sea levels causes Hurricanes and Katrina.
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